
About Me

I enjoy going out with friends... to pubs, clubs, restaurants, cinema etc... all the usual stuff really! I can also be quite a quiet kinda guy… like some time on my own too. I am also a typical Scorpio - just watch out if you upset me!!

I have made some really good friends through chatting on the net - some of which I have known for years now.

As for other computer stuff, I am crap at games – I enjoy being creative – spend lots of time creating web pages, newsletters etc and, of course, browsing the web. I am a confirmed web-shopper! (see the links page)

I bought a flat in Westbourne, Bournemouth in May 99 and have spent lots of time (and money!) getting it how I want it to be. Also need to get some new lights - I guess lighting is my "thing" - I really like candles too!! (No perverse jokes at this point please, I have heard them ALL before!!)

I love music of all sorts... mostly chart stuff... and I also play the keyboard. One of my favourite haunts is G.A.Y. at the Astoria in London but I haven't been for about two years now! (must be getting old!) On Saturday nights they have some great acts – I have seen Steps (loads of times!), 5ive, Venga Boys, Belinda Carlisle – amongst others! I also love to see the West End musicals. I hadn’t been for ages but have seen Phantom, Cats, Whistle Down the Wind  and Les Misérables in the last couple of years. Also go to live concerts - Kylie, Steps and Madonna to name but a few.

I am a retail manager - have been since I left college - I enjoy it most of the time!! I am now the Admin Manager - that means I do all the personnel and office stuff! One of the main benefits here is ensuring that we have lots of good looking guys working in the shop! Well, I try!

I'm a down-to earth and friendly kinda guy, so I enjoy making new friends and all the experiences that can bring with it. I am also a born worrier… just ask anyone who knows me!! Can't stand people who blame others for everything - if you did something wrong admit it and get over it!!

"You lead a normal everyday life and it's 'no questions asked' as people just assume you are straight. Every once and awhile a very aware person might notice something that causes them to think 'fem' but it's a fleeting thought because you turn around and surprise them with more masculine traits before they even have time to fully analyse the last one."


My Favourite Things





(All Italian Food)

Roast Chicken

Roast Parsnips

Christmas Pudding


Mars Bar Ice Creams



"Clarnico" Mints



Will & Grace


Vicar of Dibly

Big Brother

The Weakest Link

Lily Savage

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme

(last series was crap!)

So, Graham Norton







Ian van Dahl

Venga Boys



Jane McDonald(!)

...well, any chart/dance

stuff really

Show/Film music




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© Andrew W  2004